Pictured: Luken School #160
Luken School was located on Highway 138, halfway between Bunker Hill and Dorchester. In 1907, there was a different teacher for each semester; pay was $30-$35 a month.
In 1909, there was still no library because the books were destroyed by people who slept in the school. By 1915, the school had 38 books, blackboards, and slates.
Pictured: Luken School Class Photo in 1932
Teacher: Edna Wohlert (in back),
Left row (from front): Elveta Mae Sauerwein Schaffer, Evelyn Rose Landreth, Elvera June Sauerwein Baldridge, Elroy Meyers.
Middle Row: Jack Benjey, Norman (Butch) Rull, Jewell Benjey Sanderson, Opal Mae Johnson Welch.
Right row: Charles Benjey, Verna Rull Brackenhoff, Vernadine Sauerwein Fleming.
--Submitted by Evelyn Rose Landreth
In 1944-45, three students were transported to Dorchester #135 and to Bunker Hill #164, which was Meissner School. The building was destroyed in the 1948 tornado.
Pictured: Map of Bunker Hill area Country Schools
Some of the family names who attended Luken School were: Bohlmeyer, Knoche, Jarman, Johnson, Rose, Sauerwein, Wieseman, and Scheldt, many attended during the years.
--Cite this story: The Bunker Hill IL Historical Society. "A Look Back in Bunker Hill History." Bunker Hill Gazette-News, January 7, 2021.
Redford, Carol, and Betty Triplett. "Bunker Hill History." In Reflections: A History of the Bunker Hill-Woodburn Area, p. 99. Bunker Hill: Bunker Hill Publications, 1993. Provided by the Bunker Hill Historical Society.