Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Millville School #163

Pictured: Millville School #163
Teacher Gertrude Love pictured on the right, along with her sister and cousin.

    Millville School was located in the area of Mansholt Road and North East Streets in Section 12 of Bunker Hill Township.

    In 1911, teacher Gertrude Love made $40/month and had 22 students.  In 1920, the schools was listed as a brick building with six windows.  The students had new desks and sold buttons at 10 cents each to buy books for the new library.

Pictured: Map of Bunker Hill area Country Schools

    Some of the many families that attended Millville Schools through the years were Rose, Farris, Keirle, Gosch, Rull, and Acuncius.

Millville School was sold July 8, 1950 to LaVerne Gosch and used for a home.

...Read this and other Bunker Hill, IL historical stories at

--Cite this story: The Bunker Hill IL Historical Society. "A Look Back in Bunker Hill History." Bunker Hill Gazette-News, January 21, 2021.

Redford, Carol, and Betty Triplett. "Bunker Hill History." In Reflections: A History of the Bunker Hill-Woodburn Area, p. 99. Bunker Hill: Bunker Hill Publications, 1993. Provided by the Bunker Hill Historical Society.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Luken School #160

Pictured: Luken School #160

    Luken School was located on Highway 138, halfway between Bunker Hill and Dorchester.  In 1907, there was a different teacher for each semester; pay was $30-$35 a month.

    In 1909, there was still no library because the books were destroyed by people who slept in the school.  By 1915, the school had 38 books, blackboards, and slates.

Pictured: Luken School Class Photo in 1932
Teacher: Edna Wohlert (in back), 
Left row (from front): Elveta Mae Sauerwein Schaffer, Evelyn Rose Landreth, Elvera June Sauerwein Baldridge, Elroy Meyers.
Middle Row: Jack Benjey, Norman (Butch) Rull, Jewell Benjey Sanderson, Opal Mae Johnson Welch.
Right row: Charles Benjey, Verna Rull Brackenhoff, Vernadine Sauerwein Fleming.
--Submitted by Evelyn Rose Landreth

    In 1944-45, three students were transported to Dorchester #135 and to Bunker Hill #164, which was Meissner School.  The building was destroyed in the 1948 tornado.

Pictured: Map of Bunker Hill area Country Schools

    Some of the family names who attended Luken School were: Bohlmeyer, Knoche, Jarman, Johnson, Rose, Sauerwein, Wieseman, and Scheldt, many attended during the years.

...Read this and other Bunker Hill, IL historical stories at

--Cite this story: The Bunker Hill IL Historical Society. "A Look Back in Bunker Hill History." Bunker Hill Gazette-News, January 7, 2021.

Redford, Carol, and Betty Triplett. "Bunker Hill History." In Reflections: A History of the Bunker Hill-Woodburn Area, p. 99. Bunker Hill: Bunker Hill Publications, 1993. Provided by the Bunker Hill Historical Society.